Thursday, 3 May 2007


I know that life will be a lot better once I have had the ileostomy and I am looking forward to getting to do stuff again so much. It is great that I have a date for the operation and it is not too long away. I just wish it was next week not the week after. I am in a lot of pain today, can't sit properly because of it. I don't think sitting on one buttock is too good for my back but is the only way I can sit to write this. Put all my weight squarely on my backside and I have to get up again. Yes I will be in pain immediately after the operation and I will have a lot of getting used to my new life, but at least I should be able to sit properly!
Went to see the doctor today as I have a cough and sinus problems, wouldn't normally go but if it gets on my chest I will not be able to have the operation so thought it best to check. OK at the moment though. Fingers crossed.

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