Saturday, 28 June 2008

Just got out of hospital again

Got taken in to hospital again following horrendous pain on Tuesday night. Seems that this time it is probably a loop of bowel trapped in the hernia and / or adhesions. Waiting for a date for the final operation, this might speed things along I suppose.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Update long overdue

Since coming off the azathioprine things have not been going too well. Been suffering from some pain and passing blood again and it has been getting worse. Went to see the medical consultant last Monday and asked about the risks of being on azathioprine long term. He started with lymphoma and went on from there. So that sounds like not a good plan to me. The other option is another operation to remove the last bits left behind. I do not want a reversal, I can cope with the bag OK and there are some nasty complications that can, and in my case probably will, arise so I have opted for the operation. Just need to wait till I see the surgeon's team and wait for a date. They will repair the hernia for the second time too!

On another note, the DVLA came back to me and told me that I am OK to drive, I have to have a 3 year license and apply for a new one at the end of that but that is no problem. I have increased my medication and things should be OK for another 10 years!